An overview of my third trimester of pregnancy! I’m sharing big moments, symptoms, and how we’re spending our last weeks before baby boy makes his grand entrance.

Full transparency, I'm writing this during my 37th-38th week of pregnancy because I want to make sure it gets published. Make sure to catch up my first trimester recap, second trimester recap, our babymoon, and how I'm meal prepping for postpartum!
Overall I'm feeling good and my spirits are high. I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy flew by, and I assume that's because I had a relatively smooth 9 months. Rather than breaking down my symptoms week by week, I'm going to share my third trimester pits and peaks along with my must-have items.
3rd trimester must have products
Here are the top 3 pregnancy products I've been using and enjoying so far! You can also browse my favorite items.
Belly band: My belly band has been my most used third trimester product. It's especially helpful when I'm walking around the house or working.
Pregnancy pillow: A pregnancy pillow is a must-have item! I actually bought mine during the first few months and have continued to use it every night. It's incredibly comfortable and helps relieve back pressure as well as keeps me on my side.
Exercise ball: I've had this exercise ball for years at this point but I've never used it as much as I have these past few weeks. It's great for bouncing and doing hip circles.

Nursery update
I kinda left y'all hanging in my second trimester recap. At 35 weeks, we decided it was time to rip out the carpet in our house and replace it with hardwood. We spent months and months looking at options and finally landed on a gorgeous white oak engineered hardwood.
As I'm writing this, Zack is currently laying down the planks in my home office! The nursery flooring is installed but we haven't assembled any furniture quite yet. Fingers crossed we get that accomplished in the next few days. Everything has been ordered and arrived, we just need to put it all together.
I'm so, so excited about these new floors! They'll be in the nursery, my office, and our primary bedroom/closet. I'll be sure to share an update once the nursery is put together and the flooring project is complete.

Pits and peaks
Like I said above, I've had a positive pregnancy experience and I really want to highlight those moments along with the uncomfortable ones.
I've had heartburn pre-pregnancy and throughout the earlier months, but third trimester heartburn hits different. I know it's a common pregnancy symptom, but to lessen the discomfort, I've been popping tums, drinking almond milk, and trying to eat smaller portions.
Braxton Hicks
I experienced Braxton Hicks contractions for the first time during week 31 then again in week 35. Since then, they've been pretty consistent along with other cramping and pressure. I know I stay well hydrated, so I believe this is my body's way of telling me to slow down.
Body aches
I have been so lucky to not experience many body aches and pains during this pregnancy, but that has not been the case this week. I've had a mix of back pain along with side pain that we've identified as stretching ligaments. My heating pad has come in handy, but it was also the final sign that it's time to start slowing down on the work side.
Low iron
During the gestational diabetes test earlier in the third trimester, my doctor also ran other tests, and I requested my vitamin d specifically be checked. Good news was that my vitamin d levels were great thanks to a daily supplement but the bad news (that wasn't even on my radar) was that I was severely anemic. Since my levels were so low, I had to receive weekly iron infusions for 5 weeks. Those have since ended and I'm currently waiting on lab results on if those infusions helped. In the meantime, I've upped my dietary iron intake and added a daily supplement into the mix. Even though the infusions weren't ideal, the silver lining was that I received them at our hospital's labor and delivery triage, so I'm very familiar with the L&D floor and know some of the nurses!
Baby shower
We had a joint baby shower with Zack's sister and her husband in the very beginning of my third trimester. It was thrown by Zack's other sister with a fun safari theme and mix of close friends and family. I'm so thankful we were able to celebrate Baby Urben when I was feeling my best! PS: Here's my baby shower dress.
Maternity photos
Take the photos, y'all! I haven't documented my growing belly very well but I'm so grateful to have professional photos of this sweet time in our lives. We're also planning on hiring our photographer for newborn photos.
Hospital tour and classes
During the third trimester, we toured the hospital I'll be delivering at and it was great to be able to walk the halls and know exactly where to go. Our hospital also provides free and paid classes, both in person and online. Zack and I did an infant CPR class that was incredibly helpful as well as several other online birthing and baby care classes. Additionally, I've been joining weekly zoom calls offered by aeroflow to help prepare for the fourth trimester!
Ordering nursery furniture
After lots of back and forth on my part, we finally ordered the furniture for the nursery! The set I originally wanted was super backordered and I wanted to make sure everything arrived in time. We ended up getting the Delta Children Jordan 4-in-1 Convertible Crib with the coordinating Dresser and Bookcase and Changing Table. I also decided on the Carter's by DaVinci Arlo Recliner and Swivel Glider. I can't wait to get everything set up and organized!
- Positive pregnancies do exist!
- Heartburn and body aches suck.
- Get your blood checked to catch any vitamin or mineral deficiencies.
- Journal how you're feeling week to week.
- Relax!
The next time we catch up, I'll have a little one by my side. If you’re also pregnant, congratulations! If you're still trying or healing from loss, I'm sending so much love your way. And if you’re not in this season of life but continue to support me, thank you. Chat soon!
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